Michelle Obama’s Dress a hit or miss?

michelle_obama_k9v9kznc_4502Boy did people voice their opinion of the dress Michelle Obama chose for her husband, President-Elect Barack Obama’s acceptance speech. Opinions have ranged from loved the dress to- wha? Her dress designed by New York designer Narciso Rodriquez for his upcoming spring 2009 collection was beautiful, but after modifying it for Michelle, was a complete miss. Whew! Now that I got that off my chest, here’s why. Between the tiny black sweater, over bearing cummerbund, and ill-matched accessories, the overall look did not compliment her husband’s sharp, perfectly tailored presidential look.

Style should never by time consuming or fussy, but does require a working knowledge of the basics. I totally understand and can appreciate Michelle’s stance on not fussing around with fashion.  As a busy and attentive mom of two beautiful daughters, and married to the newly elected leader of our modern free-world, she doesn’t have the time to spend pondering all the rules of fashion.  But guess what Michelle, your fashion sense does and should matter. It matters to us and the rest of the world. As a women, who I have infinite admiration for, we look at you in sheer awe. And although its important you remain you, the modern, stylish, working mom you are. But know one thing for sure, when you stand side by side with your husband, I want you to send the same confident, authoritative message as your husband. So continue to be bold and easy with your style, and don’t conform to the “straight suit box” look, however, a confident, elegant, yet cool look is in order now. As an image consultant I would be more than honored to assist. 

President-Elect Barack Obama

web_obamaCongratulations Mr. Obama for your victorious win to become the first African-American President of the United States. (Did I just write that!) Our country has made a quantum leap for the betterment of all humanity. We couldn’t be so incredibly proud!